1. Financial Years and Salary Grade Points

A financial year represent a finical time period between 1st August to the 31st July. From the 1st August each year, universities adjusts all salaries according to inflation and as such new salary data is published for each finical year. Salary data is required before adding any RSE users as RSE users are required to have a starting salary.

The RSE Admin tool will use estimates for salary information based on an an inflation rate of 3% for future financial (where salary data is not known or released). The reporting views can provide a breakdown of how any costs are generated which will show where salary data has been estimated.

1.1. Creating a Financial Years

A New financial year can be created by selecting Admin->New Financial Year from the sites main menu. If you have already created a financial year with salary data this salary data can be copied by choosing the year form the Copy Salary Band Data from Financial Year drop down box. Using the default empty value will create an empty financial year and redirects you to the edit financial years view.

1.2. Adding Salary Data

To view salary data for a financial year select Admin->Financial Years from the sites menu. The filter dialogue allows you to change which financial year you are viewing. The icon can be used to edit the salary band data of the financial year.

Salary data is constructed using a the grade point system where Grade represents a major change and Point represents a point scale within that grade. Within a Grade points may increment which indicates that staff employed at the grade point will automatically increase the point on the 1st January each year. For example an incrementing grade point of G1.1 would increment the following January to G1.2. A on incremental grade point would not change in January (unless a grade point adjustment was made to an RSEs salary see Edit Salary Data).

From the the edit financial year view, grade points can be created and added using the Add Grade Point button where they will be instantly displayed. Grade points can be individually edited or deleted. To return to the financial year view (rather than edit) select the icon.